Thank you to RAnn at This That and the Other Thing for the invitation to join Sunday Snippets -- A Catholic Carnival, where a group of Catholic bloggers share their favorite posts from the previous week.
I am pretty new to the blogging world. (About a two weeks old, as a matter of fact.) I write about family life, a catechism class I've recently started teaching, yoga, books I love, transitioning from a career as a research scientist to full-time stay-at-home mom, and finding God (and myself). If I'm lucky, perhaps I'll find us both in the same place. My favorite "finding myself" book is Elizabeth Gilbert's "Eat Pray Love". Wouldn't I love to go to Italy, India, and Bali like she did! However, being married with three kids, and living in a country where the kids come home for a two-hour lunch break in the middle of the day, means that, for practical reasons, I'm doing my soul-searching pilgrimage from home. Maybe it is not so impossible. After all, there is that anecdote about Buddha (which I am borrowing from Baron Baptiste's "40 Days to Personal Revolution"). His search for enlightenment meant that he left his family and the life he knew. When he came back home twelve years later, his wife asks him, "Did you really have to leave? Did your home and family somehow prevent you from finding truth and transformation?". "I could have done it right here at home, " Buddha replies, "but in my ignorance, I didn't know that. There was no need to go to the mountains, no need to go anywhere. I had to go inside myself, and that could have happened anywhere."
So I do most of my spiritual questing while doing the dishes or the laundry, surrounded by my family. (That's what I'm up to when my husband or kids occasionally catch me staring off into the distance.)
Here are my posts for the week:
Synchronicity: the love that moves the sun and the other stars (and the epic ironing pile as well)
Tuesday#3: Liecht sich schön (Light is beautiful) / biscuits up your behind
Ever Onward, Fellow Pilgrims!
I'm looking forward to reading everyone else's Sunday Snippets contributions!
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