Saturday, 1 December 2012

Guardian Angels

We had the Abschlussfest (closing celebration) for my Unti Course (a teacher training course for leading the catechism classes that I’ve been attending the last few months) yesterday evening. Ross was out of town, and I booked a babysitter to mind the kids. The course organizers, Therese, Alexa, and Daniela, put together a lovely “graduation” ceremony. It was very sweet. They gave each of us our certificates, a candle, and a guardian angel figurine. I am convinced that our guardian angels were working overtime that night. The ceremony ended at around 9:20pm. I said my thanks and goodbyes while people were queuing up for the buffet dinner (which smelled glorious, I was starving) as I wanted to get home to the kids. I was at home by 9:45 pm, kissed the children (who were still up), and drove the babysitter home. “Please get a chattier babysitter next time, Mom,” Luke later advised. “The only words she said during the 4 hours was ‘En Guete’ when we sat down for dinner. After that, she just sat in the chair and stared into space.” Thank goodness that that event was actually the last one that I needed a babysitter for. About 20 minutes after I got back from bringing the silent babysitter home, Maeve jumps on the couch with a pencil (why why why?) and gives herself a deep gash by the bridge of her nose. If the pencil made contact a mere 5 cm to the left of where it actually did, she’d have done some serious damage to her eye. She cried more from the shock, rather than the pain. Perhaps she will have a little scar. Even if she does, it can serve as a visible reminder to her for how her guardian angel watches over her. Thank you, Guardian Angels, for watching over us all so vigilantly!

Guardian angel from Unti course (handmade by Daniela?). The card with the pink heart is a letter we wrote to ourselves during the course. The drawing on the white Post-It is from Olive, our 4 year old. I don't know if she intentionally drew a cross surrounded by a heart. But that's what it looks like to me!


  1. Thank God for guardian angels!

  2. Check this out, from the Guardian


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